Well, my induction was scheduled for Mon, Mar 15. They called me early in the morning (around 6am) and we were at the hospital by 7:15am.
They broke my water at 8:30am. Started pitocin at 9am. Checked me around 11:30-noon & reported that I was still at 3cm and 60% effaced (where I was when I arrived!).
They increased the pit a couple of times and by about 2:30pm I was finally at 4cm (still not much of an increase). But all of a sudden my contractions were coming a LOT closer together and MUCH more instense. At that point I received my lovely, lovely epidural. They checked me again at about 4:45pm and I was at 8cm! About 30-40 mins later I was fully dilated, effaced and ready to push. The doc came in and told me to push. I pushed and he said, "NOT SO HARD!!!". So I did one more tiny push and she was OUT!
I wailed and bawled like a fool for a long time. I am soooo overwhelmed and thankful to be blessed with our newest child. She's just beautiful and we're so incredibly in love!!!
Emily Ann was born on Mar 15 at 5:23pm. She was 7lbs 7oz & 20.5 inches long. She's got funny little white blonde peach fuzz hair just like her Mama used to have!
I'll post some pics from when she first arrived soon! And then I'll update the goings-on from the past 2-1/2 weeks after that.
I'm so amazingly thankful for our newest miracle. I thank God for her every day.
Yay for an update. She is gorgeous! <3
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jae!!! ((HUGS))