Thursday, February 25, 2010

37 week check-up

Well, technically, I'm 36 weeks 4 days today. But the appointment was considered my 37 weeker.

They didn't measure her size during the ultrasound, so I guess since they're not concerned about it then I won't be either! My fluid levels were great and her heart rate was wonderful, too!

I'm barely 1 cm dilated right now, which is normal and fine. Nothing to write home about, but you gotta start somewhere!

Looks like the induction will be scheduled for Monday, March 15. I'll be 39 weeks 1 day at that point. They're very confident that my cervix will be favorable by that time. I think it will be too, since I was induced at 38 weeks 4 days with Ally & it was smooth sailing. At 36 weeks with Ally, I was 1cm dilated so this time seems to be about on par.

Ally is so funny: a little while ago, she was pushing on my belly & starting at my belly button while yelling, "She's comin' out, Mama! She's comin' out!!" LOL! Somehow she's decided the baby will emerge from my belly button... hee hee! Then this morning, she lifted my shirt, shined a flashlight into my belly button & said, "Awwww, what a cute little baby!". That girl cracks me up.

I'm extremely tired, but that's to be expected. Last night I had the biggest emotional meltdown I've had in a LOOOOOOOOONG time. I flew off the handle and was bawling like a baby. Not really even sure why, except that the kids kept making messes faster than I could clean them up all day long and I was BEYOND exhausted. Luckily, Tim was home from work at the time of my meltdown so he ordered me to our room to chill out while he took care of dinner clean-up and the kids.

So we're at 2 weeks 4 days to go! In 'normal people' time that's NO TIME AT ALL! In pregnant people time, it might as well be 2 decades from now. But in the big picture, I know she'll be here soon and I couldn't be more excited to meet our newest miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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