Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to Preschool for Evan tomorrow!

WOO HOO!!!! Is it wrong that I'm excited about this??? LOL!

It's only for 3 hours each morning, from Monday through Thursday. But it gives Evan some much-needed socialization time with his peers & gives Ally and I much-needed 1-on-1 time.

I can't believe my Baby Girl is going to start preschool next school year! WAH! It's so funny how different your mentality is for your older child and younger child. I guess my grandparents (who raised me) were right when they said even when I grew up they'd always see me as the baby.

I also can't believe my baby is going to be a BIG SISTER! I can't even imagine her not being my youngest. But I know she'll be a little mommy to her baby brother or sister. She's in LOVE with babies.

Evan, on the other hand.... well.... he's going to take a lot more adjustment.

Poor little man. He just does not "do" change. It rocks his world. He hated my guts for a good 2 months after Ally was born; and he was only 18 months old and non-verbal at the time!!! So I can only imagine what grief he's going to give me this time around.

Whenever I hold other people's babies he tells me, "Put the baby DOWN, Mama!".

Oh boy... what have I gotten myself in to??? LOL!


  1. Oh Jodi! I know it's going to be a huge adjustment and a time consuming one- But Evan will get there. ((HUGS)) I love you, and will always be here for you!

  2. I believe you will, Jamie. You are so wonderful! THANK YOU!!!!!
