Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So, who is Ally?

When Ally first arrived in my arms, it was (of course) love at first sight. She was beautiful & perfect.

When we got home from the hospital???? That's another story entirely. She was QUITE unhappy for the first several days home from the hospital. I think she missed Mama's warm belly!

But after a few short days, she began to understand where she was and began to show her true colors. She turned in to a pretty easily calmed baby. She drank more than I've ever seen a baby consume, but she sure was fat & happy! LOL!

When she was a couple months old, I went through a very, very scary period where I had full-blown Post Partum Depression. Thanks to Lexapro, I was able to kick it eventually. It was a very dark time for me, and I'd rather not relive it - even on here.

As she got older, her personality was starting to take shape. She loved watching her big brother play & do his thing. But Heaven forbid she should TOUCH his toys! LOL! Ah... the joy of siblings, right????

She's developed in to a happy-go-lucky, (mostly) care-free, FUNNY girl. She loves to put on her "CHOO CHOO" (tu-tu) and be a "REENA" (ballerina). She loves anything having to do with Dora or Disney Princesses. She loves to sing songs, bounce around, dance & cuddle.

One of her (and my) favorite things is after she takes a nap: she's still groggy and likes to lie down on Mama's belly with her head on my chest, while I stroke her back. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wonderful and I could do it all day long. My little cuddle bug. I'm dreading the day when my pregnant belly gets too big to do it!!! :-(

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