Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What a couple of days...

OK, so we've had a helluva time the past 2 nights with the kids not sleeping. Two nights ago, here's how it went:

Ally has had an ongoing problem with horrible constipation. Sometimes it gets really bad. Night before last being one of those times.

This is the second time in her life she's done this, but SHE. DIDN'T. SLEEP. HARDLY. AT. ALL.

Put her down for bed at 8pm. She finally went to sleep around 9:30. I went to go to sleep at 11pm. She woke up at 10:55. I went in to her, calmed her and put her back down.

I could NOT go to sleep then. I think it was around midnight when I finally drifted off.

Then at 12:15 she woke again. Tim went in to her, but I was awake and agitated and couldn't go back to sleep. Again.

2am: awake. I go in. Calm her back down, and take forever to go back to sleep.

4am: awake. I go in to her. Try to get her to sleep on my chest (this has worked before). Worked for 15 minutes, then she wouldn't hear of it. Tried to sleep on the floor next to her bed. No luck. Finally gave up at 4:40am.

5:00am: Tim went in to her while I laid in bed cursing like a SAILOR.

About 5:40am: I finally fall asleep.

6:30am: Alarm goes off. Time to get up.

And the thing is, she wasn't fussing/crying at all, the whole time. She would just open & close her door really loudly, where it would wake us up. I didn't want her waking Evan, since the next day was his first day back to preschool, which is why we hurried in to her each time. So I couldn't just let her fuss it out in this case. Besides, I knew she was uncomfortable.

Fast forward to last night:

Ally slept perfectly all night long. EVAN, however, woke us up by crying and yelling at his bedroom door. FOUR TIMES. And why??? Because he had a booger in his nose that we couldn't get out. REALLY, Evan???? REALLY?!?!?! Three Year Old logic - it kills me.

Anyhow, Tim insisted on going to him on 3 of the occasions. But unfortunately, I was still awake. So today I was a MESS. Couldn't WAIT until naptime!

Naptime comes. Ally didn't sleep for ONE SECOND. Which means no nap for sleep deprived Mama, either. I bawled like a baby. My anxiety spiraled out of control, to where I screamed so loud at the kids that my throat is killing me (serves me right, I guess). It didn't help when they were both dancing on the glass-top coffee table, despite my repeated attempts to get them to stop... and then when I yelled at them, they both laughed their heads off at me!!!!

That sent me off the deep end. I put them in their rooms (for their safety) and called Tim to cry and vent.

Luckily, I somehow made it to the end of the day. Ally is (thank God) asleep. And although Evan's not asleep, he's at least in bed.

Let's pray for a better night tonight and a better day tomorrow!!!!

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